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Ashni, daughter of Cynthia and Allan, is a farmer, at Mumbet’s Freedom Farm, facilitator, educator and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, born and raised in Brooklyn, NY with rich roots in the island of St.Vincent & The Grenadines.

Movement, music, healing and their expansion through meditation and love are essential keys to Ashni’s being. From early experiences with death, escapades in library stacks to discovering yoga and teachings with Buddhist monks in High school, Spirit has always peaked her curiosity and tickled her heart. From an early age, Ashni has been devoted to learning from and listening to Spirit.

I serve, love and inspire those within my local and global communities by providing tools of nourishment. These tools, in the form of flowers and energy-work, assist in cultivating awareness, addressing trauma and fostering connections between the hearts and minds of individuals and the heart of our world.
— Sunder Ashni

After discovering OSHO in 2003 and extensive practice and training with Krisana Locke and Ali Von Stein of The Meditation Module, Ashni took sannyas and became part of the facilitating team in 2005. She co-led 21 day cycles of Dynamic meditation for 2 years, in addition to facilitating workshops and weekly meditation classes. During this time, she was also initiated into Reiki (levels I and II) later becoming a Reiki Master in 2010.  It was in 2004 that she encountered flower essences for the first time. At a lecture at the old East West Books she heard about the support that flower essences provide in aligning with our truth. She then began her apprenticeship with Linda Cohen, learning about the wide variety of flower remedies available and how they could be used to support healing of the heart and mind.


Leaving her Brooklyn roots to live in Costa Rica in 2011, she embarked on the red road path and has recently completing her tenth year in the Moondance in the Mexica tradition. While in Costa Rica, she also developed her line of Flower Essences, called SOULutions and received training in Zen Shiatsu from Kantu Veet Mor. In 2014 She began her Initiations into the wisdom of Light Language with Starr Fuentes. She continued her studies and received certification through Flower Essence Society with the phenomenal Lindsay Fauntleroy in 2017. Since then she has continued deepening her light and therapeutic work with teachers Abuela Ana Itzpapalotl, Abuela Carmen, Abuela Tlazotiani, Keren Or Atari, Ren Mahlev, Selena Rodriguez, Russel Jones, Lael Katherine Keen, Joyce Stech and Homaya Amar and Svagito Liebermeister and Undoing Racism trainings through the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond.

Ashni is a land steward, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and has a private practice at Minka. She facilitates 1 on 1 and a group sessions, ceremonies, meditations and experiences permeated with love that cultivate radical awareness, appreciation of self and overall ecstatic wellness within participants and their community with the intention of re-cultivating a deep connection with our Earth mother.

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Unified by a love for the Earth and the people who live in it.

“The practice of honoring myself by attending these sessions and processing through this modality with your facilitation has been a major breakthrough in and of itself.” Anonymous client