

  • Soul Search - 3 month journey
    Month 1: Identifying archetypes present in your life through Tarot
    Month 2: Light language activation (7 chakra or 12 chakra grid)
    Month 3: Integration through EFT for energetic, emotional restructuring.
    Are you looking for a change but don't know where to start? In this 3 month sojourn we will look at the energies currently at play in your life. Each month we will work with a different modality supported throughout by flower essences. This journey will give you clarity around what you want and empower you to make choices that support you.

  • Soul Blossom - 3 month journey
    Embark on a journey to discover your essence! Where would you like to grow and develop greater passion and purpose? During the three month process we will identify a short-term goal or Vision you have for your life. With the support of flower essences and monthly Soul work you will peel back the layers and reveal new sources of energy and support to guide you on your Soul's Journey.

  • Soul Glow - 90 minute session

    • Customized Flower essence

    • light language activation seven chakra or 12 chakra grid

Rediscover the brilliance of you! In this session we will look at your energetic body and the signals you are sending out to the universe. Using compassionate questions we will realign your energetic body, to assist you in communicating clearly from your heart to the world.

  • Soul Spark - 75 minute session Reignite your flame with a somatically based flower essence session. We will look at your current stress triggers and passions and gently fan your flame. This session provides support so that you can be compassionately present with your pain, passion and pleasure.

Sliding Scale options available for all services, please inquire if interested

Therapeutic Support

Somatic Experiencing

A body oriented therapy supporting trauma resolution

The Somatic Experiencing® method is a body-oriented approach to the healing of trauma and other stress disorders. It is the life’s work of Dr. Peter A. Levine, resulting from his multidisciplinary study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, together with over 45 years of successful clinical application. The SE™ approach releases traumatic shock, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma.

Flower Essence Therapy

For Heart and Soul Blossoming

As a soul born to this Earth we have infinite opportunities.  And, like any seed, we each carry a specific blueprint within our beings that seeks to sprout, blossom and grow into our own unique expression.  This is the focus of my practice as a Flower Essence Practitioner, to support the individual in activating the blueprint of their soul and provide the space and resources needed to support one's wellbeing.   

Flower Essence Therapy uses vibrational remedies to treat various conditions of the soul. Vibrational Remedies, such as flower essences, are an invaluable tool for bringing awareness and balance to our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits.  Supporting anything from minor stress to extreme anxiety, each session intends to raise awareness and develop the capacity to be alive and at peace with life.

Soulutions Cusstomized Formulas blend the essences of flowers, gem, sentient beings and environment into a simple sun infused water based soulutions which support conscious daily living.